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Campus Safety

Public and campus safety is a top priority

If you think that you are in danger or at risk of being harmed, immediately call 911 or the Security and Law Enforcement Office at 719.549.2373.

University public safety and law enforcement is provided by the Pueblo County Sheriff's office. In addition to county resources, our campus law enforcement maintains high visibility on campus.

General Safety Tips

  • Be aware of your surroundings, including people, visualize potential exit routes from an event or location in case of emergencies.  Be familiar with safe and direct routes to campus destinations.
  • Try not to walk alone after dark. If you do, try to utilize well-lit and populated routes on campus.
  • Keep emergency numbers in cell phone or by your landline phone, including that of campus safety, and health services.
  • Trust your instincts, especially when you feel that something is "not right."
  • Be aware of what you post on the internet, especially online social networks like Facebook and Twitter. You can never be sure of who is viewing your personal information or pictures - stalkers, employers, recruiters, or family.
  • Do not prop open campus building doors, especially residential buildings. Remove props and report the problem to an RA or campus safety. 
  • Do not accept drinks from strangers as they could be easily contaminated with a drug.
  • Try to avoid being alone in areas of campus that can often be empty or isolated such as basement laundry rooms, study lounges, etc.
  • If you notice another person in danger, follow your school's safety and security procedures and call 911. Do not engage another person who has a weapon or involve yourself in a fight.

We offer a variety of services to ensure the safety of everyone at the University:

  • Walkthroughs: CSU-Pueblo Security conducts frequent high-visibility and nightly security walkthroughs on campus and in the residence halls.
  • Safe-Walks: Any member of the CSU-Pueblo community may call a deputy or campus service officer to accompany them to a specific building or to their vehicle. This service is available by calling 719.549.2373 any time of day, any day of the year.
  • All residence hall lobby doors are locked each night and floors are only accessible with a student’s floor key.
  • Emergencies (from any pay phone or cell phone): 911
  • Emergencies (from a campus phone): dial 8, then 911
  • Pueblo County Sheriff's Office on campus: 719.549.2373
  • CSU-Pueblo Operator: 719.549.2100
  • Campus Safe Walks: 719.549.2373

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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142, & Online: 719-549-2200.

Campus Safety

Pueblo County Sheriff's Office

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