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Educational Opportunity Center

The program focuses on first-generation college students and individuals from low-income families, although there is room to serve students that don't fall under these specifications. EOC does not recruit for any college and provides assistance regardless of where you would like to attend.

Why Apply?

We assist students with their college admission process, college selection, and with tools necessary to succeed in higher education.


  • Answering questions about college
  • Identifying colleges that meet your needs
  • Applying for financial aid
  • Completing college applications
  • Finding scholarships
  • Transferring from a two-year to four-year college
  • Obtaining college application fee waivers
  • Acquiring student loan default rehabilitation
  • Enrolling in a GED program

All services are free!

In order to receive services from the Educational Opportunity Center (EOC) you must complete a program application and be accepted into the program.

It's for you if:


  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Does not have a Bachelor's Degree
  • Reside or plan to attend college in TRIO EOC’s service area

Priority Given To:

  • First-Generation College Students (individuals whose parents or parent did not receive a bachelors degree)
  • Low-income Individuals

EOC serves a limited number of individuals who are not first-generation college students or low-income. Please contact our team if you have any questions about eligibility.


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The PACK Center and HSB Advising are available to assist you. Stop by or call for support. PACK: 719-549-2584, HSB: 719-549-2142, & Online: 719-549-2200.

Educational Opportunity Center


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